Wednesday, February 6, 2008

What Do Your Favorite Movies Say About You?

The Early Show featured a story this week about a pair of authors, Ezra Werb and Risa Williams, who have written a book titled, Cinescopes: What Your Favorite Movies Reveal About You. Based on a list of your top ten favorite films, the pair believe that they can match your film preferences with a list of sixteen personality types. Here is an excerpt from the article.

Werb explains that he and Williams believe there's a psychological link between our personalities and the movies appeal to us. It's a very personal thing, and we connect with the heroes and themes in the movies we're drawn too.

He and Williams focus on the individual character in a film that the movie-goer connects with. If it's two characters, sometimes it's the dynamic between the two that you're drawn to.

Williams says the lists tell about the type of heroes people like and the themes that resonate with them. If you're drawn to romantic comedies, you could be a romantic. If you like action movies, you could be an adventurer at heart.

Williams holds Masters degrees in psychology and dramatic writing, and specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy. Werb has a Bachelor's degree in film studies and literature, writes screenplays, and works as behaviorist for an autistic child.

They began with the Top Ten lists of 1,000 people and, using psychology, cinematic analysis and astrology, came up with 16 movies-based personality profiles. They claim people are shocked by how accurate those profiles are.

You can learn more about the book and take the test here. Like any personality test, especially one based online, I would not put too much stock in it, but it is amusing. For those who might be wondering, my test came back a Destined Hunter, someone who has "the ability to look evil right in the eye and tell it where to go. They are drawn to things physical and primitive, whether spending time outdoors or screaming at the top of their lungs. When it really counts, Hunters choose fight over flight (Famous example: Rambo in First Blood)."

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