Sunday, November 4, 2012

'V for Vendetta' at Winona State on Nov. 5

The Winona State University History Association is sponsoring a screening of V for Vendetta at 7:30pm on November 5, 2012 in the Somsen Auditorium on the Winona State campus.

Although I gave a mixed review to this film at the time of its release (you can find the review in the archive) , V for Vendetta has become an important motion picture. The Guy Fawkes mask worn by the hero has become an international symbol for resistance movements, popping up everywhere from the Arab Spring to Occupy Wall Street. V for Vendetta is also interesting to screen at this particular moment since the film was adapted by The Wachowski's, whose film Cloud Atlas has recently opened, and the themes of revolution, identity, and consciousness run through their work.

Check out this video from the time of V for Vendetta's release, in which pundits debate the merits and political message of the film. Note: the following video includes spoilers.

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